How Do You Say Schedule An Appointment In Spanish

The links below provide information on How Do You Say Schedule An Appointment In Spanish. Schedules are useful for managing time, ensuring that tasks and activities are completed on time, and for providing structure and organization to one's day. Schedules can be created for various purposes, such as work, school, personal goals, or events.

Schedule an appointment in Spanish | English to Spanish …
    1. (to set an appointment) a. programar una cita Carly scheduled an appointment with her doctor.Carly programó una cita con su médico. b. concertar una cita I'd like to schedule …

Appointment in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
    1. (meeting) a. la cita. (F) I'm afraid I can't meet for lunch. I have an appointment with a client.Me temo que no puedo quedar para comer. Tengo una cita con un cliente. b. la hora. (F) I'll call the hairdresser to …

schedule an appointment - Spanish translation – Linguee
    Dictionary English-Spanish schedule(sth. )v— programarv fijarv concertar algov planificarv scheduled appointmentn— cita acordadaf hora convenidaf appointmentn— citaf …

Spanish Terms for Scheduling Appointments & Meetings
    To make either an appointment or a meeting, you'll need to learn the following vocabulary: 'Necesito hacer una cita con…' means 'I need to make an appointment with...' 'Necesito cambiar …

Making Appointments in SPANISH - Vocabulary and Phrases
    to make an appointment with a friend: concertar una cita: to make an appointment (more formal) encontrarse: to meet: ser puntual: to be punctual: llegar tarde: to be late: dar una …

Appointment Reminder Scripts - Bilingual English - Spanish …
    The following are sample appointment reminder phone and text message scripts in English and Spanish. If you can send us the preferred language (English / …

How to say "make an appointment" in Spanish - WordHippo
    Spanish Translation pedir hora More Spanish words for make an appointment pedir hora verb make an appointment citar verb cite, quote, summon, call, summons Find more …

Spanish translation of 'schedule' - Collins Dictionary
    schedule [ˈʃedjuːl ] [ˈskedjuːl (US)] noun 1. (= timetable) [of work, visits, events] programa m ⧫ calendario m [of trains, buses] horario m (Television, Radio) (often pl) programación f a …

reschedule appointment - Spanish translation – Linguee
    to cance l or reschedule your appointment. Entendemos que a veces. [...] usted necesita cancel ar o cambiar su cita. The …

How to say appointment in Spanish - WordHippo
    Spanish Translation. cita. More Spanish words for appointment. la cita noun. quote, date, quotation, meeting, citation. el nombramiento noun. nomination, designation, commission.

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